The Unfilteredd Podcast

On this show we interview mental health professionals about abusive, toxic, and healthy relationships. It is our hope that these interviews help you cultivate safe relationships.

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Wednesday Aug 30, 2023

What Are We Discussing In This Episode? In this episode, we focus on six topics related to healthy relationships:How to give and receive emotional support in a healthy and effective way (08:32)
Warning signs of emotional support not being provided or received in a healthy way (16:08)
How to build equality in healthy relationships (22:11)
Red flags of a relationship that is not equal or is becoming imbalanced (26:45)
How to build healthy intimacy and trust in relationships (28:20)
Warning signs of intimacy becoming unhealthy or that trust is being broken (41:50)
Submit a Question/Topic for This PodcastThe content for this podcast comes from our amazing community members. If you want to submit a question/topic for the podcast, please click here to join our free healing community. Once you’ve joined, you will see the thread to submit a question/topic for this podcast.More Information About the Host & Fabian WanderThe host, Juliana Akin, is a co-founder of Unfilteredd, a lawyer, and a survivor of narcissistic abuse. She creates content about narcissism and narcissistic abuse to share her personal experiences with healing because she hopes that by sharing her journey, she can help you navigate yours.Mr. Fabián Sergio Wander is the Director of the Health and Wellness Office at Hostos Community College and also founder of Wander Counseling, a mental health practice that incorporates Walk and Talk therapy in addition to the traditional office based treatment approach. He has been working as a Social Worker for over 17 years and is licensed in the State of New York.Free ResourcesRebuilding Trust (Course)Suggested Podcast Episodes65. Nurturing Trust, Communication, and Emotional Safety in Relationships with Dr. Taylor Palmitier
88. Building Healthy Relationships after Narcissistic Abuse with Elizabeth Miller (Psychotherapist)
Podcast Music: Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on

Monday Aug 28, 2023

What Are We Discussing In This Episode? In this episode, we focus on seven topics related to divorce and co-parenting with a high-conflict person:Is my teenager inheriting narcissism if they are acting just like my ex? (01:42)
Why isn't co-parenting working with my high-conflict ex? (13:20)
How do I respond when my child comes to me with lies from my ex? (20:49)
What do I do when I notice my child being treated the same way as my ex treated me? (32:17)
What if they keep sending old clothes back after I dress my child in the new clothes I just bought? (37:18)
Five essential things to remember when you are divorcing a high-conflict person (39:45)
How to parent with a high-conflict person and protect your own boundaries at the same time (46:03)
Submit a Question/Topic for This PodcastThe content for this podcast comes from our amazing community members. If you want to submit a question/topic for the podcast, please click here to join our free healing community. Once you’ve joined, you will see the thread to submit a question/topic for this podcast.More Information About the Host & Michelle MinetteThe host, Juliana Akin, is a co-founder of Unfilteredd, a lawyer, and a survivor of narcissistic abuse. She creates content about narcissism and narcissistic abuse to share her personal experiences with healing because she hopes that by sharing her journey, she can help you navigate yours.Michelle Minette is a Certified Holistic Life Coach with a practice located in Hamilton, Ohio and clients around the United States joining sessions and groups via Zoom. She holds a Master of Art degree in Psychology and completed all necessary academic work and on-site training for her clinical doctorate in psychology. As a survivor of narcissistic abuse, Ms. Minette recognized a gap in mental health services for the unique set of challenges toward healing from narcissistic abuse and used her education and training to provide this space for others. In March of 2020 she began the Surviving Narcissistic Abuse Group (SNAG), which grew online during quarantine and continues to meet today. Michelle Minette's Programs and Educational GroupsFoundational Skills mini-program. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation before registering. Cost $80 with a coupon code UNFLTD20 (normally $100).
F! Narcissists: An educational group for understanding and navigating the toxic relationship with a high conflict person. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation before registering. Cost $320 with a coupon code UNFLTD20 (normally $400).
F! Feeling Bad: An eight-session educational group for understanding the function of emotions and building skills for relief from their intensity. Schedule a free 15-minute consultation before registering. Cost $320 with a coupon code UNFLTD20 (normally $400).
More information about Michelle Minette's programs and educational groups, click here. 
Podcast Music: Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on

Monday Aug 21, 2023

What Are We Discussing In This Episode? In this episode, we focus on the J.A.D.E technique and how to use it in interactions with narcissists.Submit a Question/Topic for This PodcastThe content for this podcast comes from our amazing community members. If you want to submit a question/topic for the podcast, please click here to join our free healing community. Once you’ve joined, you will see the thread to submit a question/topic for this podcast.More Information About the Host & Ellen BirosThe host, Juliana Akin, is a co-founder of Unfilteredd, a lawyer, and a survivor of narcissistic abuse. She creates content about narcissism and narcissistic abuse to share her personal experiences with healing because she hopes that by sharing her journey, she can help you navigate yours.Ellen Biros is a licensed clinical social worker who specializes in the assessment and treatment of individuals with personality disorders, substance abuse issues, and emotional regulation problems. She is the author of “Recovering from Narcissistic Mothers: A Daughter’s Workbook.” Ellen has spent over 15 years helping clients identify and recover from emotional abuse and manipulation. She is a national continuing education speaker and has authored a variety of continuing education seminars and webinars. Ellen is also the author of multiple psychotherapeutic articles.Suggested ReadingsHow to Stop a Narcissist from Gaslighting You (3 Steps)
How to Live With a Narcissist When You Can’t Leave
Suggested Podcast Episodes61. Overcoming Emotional Dysregulation, Relational Trauma, and the Addictive Component of a Trauma Bond with LCSW Ellen Biros
58. Never Be Manipulated Again: Rewriting History, Countering, Lying, Social Circle Manipulation, Pseudomutuality with Dr. Taylor Damiani
Podcast Music: Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on

Sunday Aug 20, 2023

What Are We Discussing In This Episode? In this episode, we focus on four topics related to healing from narcissistic abuse:How to cultivate patience in yourself when building healthy relationships (01:24)
How to recognize when you're becoming impatient (06:52)
How to develop empathy skills in a healthy way, and red flags of falling back into old patterns of being overly empathetic to the point of neglecting your own needs (15:13)
How to work through the negative emotions and beliefs that may be hindering your ability to feel and express gratitude, and practical ways to incorporate gratitude into your daily life (32:20)
Submit a Question/Topic for This PodcastThe content for this podcast comes from our amazing community members. If you want to submit a question/topic for the podcast, please click here to join our free healing community. Once you’ve joined, you will see the thread to submit a question/topic for this podcast.More Information About the Host & Jane AjayaThe host, Juliana Akin, is a co-founder of Unfilteredd, a lawyer, and a survivor of narcissistic abuse. She creates content about narcissism and narcissistic abuse to share her personal experiences with healing because she hopes that by sharing her journey, she can help you navigate yours.Jane Ajaya is a clinical social worker and has worked with individuals, families and couples in private practice. She helps relieve suffering with individualized and comprehensive care including all aspects of human being, emotional, interpersonal, physical and spiritual. Ms Ajaya teaches skills to advance personal freedom and growth, such as mindfulness and emotional and nervous system regulation.Suggested Podcast Episodes65. Nurturing Trust, Communication, and Emotional Safety in Relationships with Dr. Taylor Palmitier
90. Cultivating Patience and Mutual Growth in Healthy Relationships with Jane Ajaya (LCSW)
Podcast Music: Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on

Saturday Aug 19, 2023

What Are We Discussing In This Episode? In this episode, we focus on five topics related to building healthy relationships:How to practice patience and empathy when you are not understanding or agreeing with the other person's perspective (01:45)
How to recognize and appreciate small progress in your relationship, rather than focusing on what needs to be fixed (06:50)
How to find a balance when one partner or family member is naturally more patient than the other (23:37)
How to build a culture of patience and understanding in the relationship, rather than getting caught up in blame or anger (30:40)
How to balance being patient with each other's flaws with holding each other accountable (44:51)
Submit a Question/Topic for This PodcastThe content for this podcast comes from our amazing community members. If you want to submit a question/topic for the podcast, please click here to join our free healing community. Once you’ve joined, you will see the thread to submit a question/topic for this podcast.More Information About the Host & Jane AjayaThe host, Juliana Akin, is a co-founder of Unfilteredd, a lawyer, and a survivor of narcissistic abuse. She creates content about narcissism and narcissistic abuse to share her personal experiences with healing because she hopes that by sharing her journey, she can help you navigate yours.Jane Ajaya is a clinical social worker and has worked with individuals, families and couples in private practice. She helps relieve suffering with individualized and comprehensive care including all aspects of human being, emotional, interpersonal, physical and spiritual. Ms Ajaya teaches skills to advance personal freedom and growth, such as mindfulness and emotional and nervous system regulation.Suggested Podcast Episodes65. Nurturing Trust, Communication, and Emotional Safety in Relationships with Dr. Taylor Palmitier
66. Building Healthy Relationships Post-Narcissistic Abuse: Boundaries, Accountability, and Much More with Dr. Yun Chen
88. Building Healthy Relationships after Narcissistic Abuse with Elizabeth Miller (Psychotherapist)
Podcast Music: Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on

Friday Aug 18, 2023

What Are We Discussing In This Episode? In this episode, we focus on 5 topics related to narcissism:The connection between narcissism and dopamine (01:33)
Co-morbidities in narcissists, such as gambling and addiction (14:48)
How the link between narcissism and dopamine explains the provocative behavior of narcissists (20:45)
The genetic profile of a narcissist (30:05)
The differences between narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths (38:30)
Submit a Question/Topic for This PodcastThe content for this podcast comes from our amazing community members. If you want to submit a question/topic for the podcast, please click here to join our free healing community. Once you’ve joined, you will see the thread to submit a question/topic for this podcast.More Information About the Host & Ann BetzThe host, Juliana Akin, is a co-founder of Unfilteredd, a lawyer, and a survivor of narcissistic abuse. She creates content about narcissism and narcissistic abuse to share her personal experiences with healing because she hopes that by sharing her journey, she can help you navigate yours.Ann Betz co-founded BEabove Leadership and is an international speaker and trainer on the intersection of neuroscience, coaching, and human transformation. Ann speaks internationally on neuroscience, leadership, and coaching, and she excels at making the complexities of the brain come to life with depth, humor, and simplicity.Suggested Podcast Episodes86. Understanding Narcissistic Abuse from the Neuroscientific Perspective with Ann BetzPodcast Music: Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on

Thursday Aug 17, 2023

What Are We Discussing In This Episode? In this episode, we focus on six topics related to healthy relationships:How to build healthy conflict resolution skills in your relationships (01:32)
How to know when conflict is becoming unhealthy or manipulative (08:11)
How to build honesty in your relationships (14:48)
Warning signs of someone being dishonest or manipulative (21:20)
How to acknowledge and accept differences in others without feeling triggered or defensive (27:29)
How to cultivate empathy and open-mindedness, and navigate disagreements or conflicts in a healthy and respectful way (37:58)
Submit a Question/Topic for This PodcastThe content for this podcast comes from our amazing community members. If you want to submit a question/topic for the podcast, please click here to join our free healing community. Once you’ve joined, you will see the thread to submit a question/topic for this podcast.More Information About the Host & Elizabeth MillerThe host, Juliana Akin, is a co-founder of Unfilteredd, a lawyer, and a survivor of narcissistic abuse. She creates content about narcissism and narcissistic abuse to share her personal experiences with healing because she hopes that by sharing her journey, she can help you navigate yours.Elizabeth Miller is a psychotherapist certified in treating personality disorders, specializing in treating narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). She also works with individuals who are or have been in a relationship with someone with NPD. In addition, she has worked with numerous couples and families to navigate the complicated process of divorce, parenting plans, and property division.ResourcesThe Mindful Guide to Conflict Resolution: How to Thoughtfully Handle Difficult Situations, Conversations, and PersonalitiesSuggested Podcast Episodes65. Nurturing Trust, Communication, and Emotional Safety in Relationships with Dr. Taylor Palmitier
66. Building Healthy Relationships Post-Narcissistic Abuse: Boundaries, Accountability, and Much More with Dr. Yun Chen
Podcast Music: Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on

Wednesday Aug 16, 2023

What Are We Discussing In This Episode? In this episode, we focus on three topics related to narcissistic abuse: What do narcissists want? (01:23)
Why do we give them what they want? (11:10)
Why is it so unlikely that a narcissist will change? (26:55)
Submit a Question/Topic for This PodcastThe content for this podcast comes from our amazing community members. If you want to submit a question/topic for the podcast, please click here to join our free healing community. Once you’ve joined, you will see the thread to submit a question/topic for this podcast.More Information About the Host & Elizabeth MillerThe host, Juliana Akin, is a co-founder of Unfilteredd, a lawyer, and a survivor of narcissistic abuse. She creates content about narcissism and narcissistic abuse to share her personal experiences with healing because she hopes that by sharing her journey, she can help you navigate yours.Elizabeth Miller is a psychotherapist certified in treating personality disorders, specializing in treating narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). She also works with individuals who are or have been in a relationship with someone with NPD. In addition, she has worked with numerous couples and families to navigate the complicated process of divorce, parenting plans, and property division.Suggested ReadingsWhat Is Narcissistic Supply and Why Do They Need It So Badly?
Why Do Narcissists Feel Empty Inside?
Podcast Music: Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on

Tuesday Aug 15, 2023

What Are We Discussing In This Episode? In this episode, we focus on 5 topics related to narcissistic abuse:What happens in the brain when we experience abuse? You know, when someone physically hurts you, you might get a broken arm, a bruise… does something happen in the brain when somebody emotionally/psychologically abuses you? (01:43)
What are your thoughts on EMDR? Can it heal memories of abuse? Can you explain EMDR and its potential effectiveness from the neuroscience perspective? (16:15)
Can you speak about trauma bonds, how they form, and how to break them from the perspective of neuroscience? Are there some practical things that we can do to help our brains to break these powerful bonds? (23:22)
I am unable to carry out tasks I could have done before (like multitasking 8 things at once and enjoying it). I find myself staring at something I used to be able to do without thinking, it’s like I have a major brain fog. Can you explain if the abuse and manipulation that I went through is to blame for this and if yes, how? What has happened to my brain and how can I recover it? (38:42)
What is your opinion on “inherited family trauma.” Is there evidence of trauma imprinting its effects on the brains of future generations? If you believe there is evidence of this, what is the importance of dealing not only with your own personal trauma but also processing the trauma your parents and grandparents experienced and how does this look in practice? How do you process your parents and grandparents' trauma? (45:52)
Submit a Question/Topic for This PodcastThe content for this podcast comes from our amazing community members. If you want to submit a question/topic for the podcast, please click here to join our free healing community. Once you’ve joined, you will see the thread to submit a question/topic for this podcast.More Information About the Host & Ann BetzThe host, Juliana Akin, is a co-founder of Unfilteredd, a lawyer, and a survivor of narcissistic abuse. She creates content about narcissism and narcissistic abuse to share her personal experiences with healing because she hopes that by sharing her journey, she can help you navigate yours.Ann Betz co-founded BEabove Leadership and is an international speaker and trainer on the intersection of neuroscience, coaching, and human transformation. Ann speaks internationally on neuroscience, leadership, and coaching, and she excels at making the complexities of the brain come to life with depth, humor, and simplicity.Suggested ReadingsHow to Break a Trauma Bond with a Narcissist in 11 StepsPodcast Music: Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on

Monday Aug 14, 2023

What Are We Discussing In This Episode? In this episode, we focus on five strategies for overcoming self-doubt: Build a healthy support network (03:38)
Practice reaffirming your own voice of who you are (11:03)
Recognize and understand the impact of self-doubt (18:30)
Separate confidence from narcissism (26:07)
Get to know you (31:30)
Submit a Question/Topic for This PodcastThe content for this podcast comes from our amazing community members. If you want to submit a question/topic for the podcast, please click here to join our free healing community. Once you’ve joined, you will see the thread to submit a question/topic for this podcast.More Information About the Host & Alexandra WalshThe host, Juliana Akin, is a co-founder of Unfilteredd, a lawyer, and a survivor of narcissistic abuse. She creates content about narcissism and narcissistic abuse to share her personal experiences with healing because she hopes that by sharing her journey, she can help you navigate yours.Alexandra Walsh is a licensed mental health counselor. She is the owner of the mental health group practice, The M.A.D. Therapy and creator of the mental health hub, The M.A.D. Beyond. She is mad about providing therapy to survivors of abuse. She has specialized training and experience working with people in narcissistic or pathological love relationships, navigating a relationship with a personality-disordered person, and healing from emotional, psychological, and narcissistic abuse. Free Downloadable ResourcesThe Affirmation Exercise for Overcoming Self-Doubt
Overcoming the Self-Doubt Bundle with Therapist Insights
Other Resources
Narcissistic Family Dynamics: Healing Family Wounds & Turning Pain Into Power (Ecourse) by Alexandra WalshSuggested Readings10 Ways to Trust Yourself After Narcissistic AbuseSuggested Podcast Episodes69. Steps to Heal from Narcissistic Abuse with Dr. Taylor Damiani
75. Strategies for Healing from Narcissistic Abuse with Psychotherapist Cynthia Eddings
Podcast Music: Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on


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